The mono-rail system invented by Mr. Louis Brennan was tested
on Wednesday at Gillingham with a much larger car than was used when the first public experiments were made. The car was forty feet long and ten feet wide, and weighed twenty-two tons. It will be remembered that the car is kept in position by means of gyroscopes revolving inside. The car itself can be propelled by any kind of external or internal power. On Wednesday it was driven by a petrol engine of such weakness that a speed of only about seven miles an hour was reached. But the stability of the car on its single line was perfect. The writer of the account in the Times thinks that the mono-rail system will never be widely applied in this country, but we cannot see why it should not be used wherever cheapness of construction and the reduction of vibration are desired. The inventor says that the system affords absolute safety up to a speed of a hundred and fifty miles an hour. For mountainous countries it is believed to have special advantages, and the Government of Kashmir are particularly interested in the experiments.