A Morning Post telegram of Thursday from Rome gives the
form in which the Greek Government have stated their "very benevolent neutrality" towards the Entente Powers.
It is worth putting on record :—
"M. Coromilas, the Greek Minister here, has assured Baron Sonnino, Minister for Foreign Affairs, of the new Cabinet's intention to follow strictly the foreign policy of its predecessor. Greece's armed neutrality is necessary, said M. Coromiles, to pro- tect her vital interests. M. Skouloudis, tho Greek Premier, formally pledges himself to continue this neutrality, character- ized by the sincerest benevolence towards the Entente Powers, trusting that the latter will not be influenced by malicions rumours, spread with the vain purpose of disturbing good relations between Greece and the Allies. The Greek Government reaffirms, in conclusion, its friendly attitude towards the Allied troops at Salonika."