[to The Editor Of The " Srecraroa..1 Sin,—mr. Warren ' S...
showing the value of the V.T.C. in passing, or rather in having passed, on an endless stream of recruits for the Regular Armies is most true and interesting. That particular......
Lady Burgholere's Prisoners' Fund. [to The Editor Olf...
Sin,—A short time ago you kindly published an appeal for my Fund for prisoners of war in Germany—Lady Burg hclere's Prisoners' Fund. To-day it is my pleasant duty to ask you to......
An Analysis Of The Birth-rate.
[TO THE EDITOR OP TEl SPEcrrAmos.."] S1R,—The following analysis of births, as recorded in the Times, seems to be of interest as indicating a marked change in proportion of......
Drives For Our Wounded Soldiers. R To The Editor Or
THE "SPECTATOR. "] Slit,—I am sure if your readers were to realize how keenly the convalescent patients at the King George Hospital, with its sixteen hundred and fifty beds,......