A ourions movement has . checked the attempt of a certain
number of young Irishmen to emigrate in order to escape 'their military duties. At Liverpool a portion of the crew of the Cunarder • Saxonia.' refused to put to sea if the shirkers were carried. The company endorsed the action of the men, and refused to let the would-be emigrants embark. Other shipping companies have since issued notices that they will not convey men of military age out of the country. The action of the masters and men in union is a wonderfully significant and grati- fying sign of the feeling of all working men about the shirkers. And yet what an odd spectacle it is, this working of volun- taryism at high pressure 1 Here is compulsion of the moat terrific and deadly kind—compulsion by mob law. If we understand convinced voluntaryists rightly, they prefer this to the just and quiet operation of compulsion by statute.