Sin,—The first volume of Public School Verse, published in September by Messrs. Heineniann, has been so well received that it is proposed to publish a volume for 1920-21 as soon as possible next -year, and we would be very grateful if you would Show us to make the scheme known through your columns. All boys who had not left school by January, 1920, will be eligible as contributors provided their contributions were written while still at school. All contributions should be sent to the editors at the address given below as soon as possible before February let, 1921. Those unsuccessful will be returned 11 a stamped and addressed envelope of sufficient size is enclosed. We should like to take this opportunity of appealing again to Head Masters and English Masters to assist us in making the scheme known, and to thank them for their co- fameatiou in the past—We are, Sir, Ac., MARTIN GILRES, RICHARD Huorms, eta The Tfolywell Press, Oxford. P. II. B. LYON.