13 NOVEMBER 1920, page 10
Itit. Irish Inferno. It° Zee Edrsos Of 17xe " Specratoa."3
$m,—The Spectator is not given to plunging; but on the Irish question it seems, if I may say so, to show a disposition to plunge. And, as the .Spectator represents all that is......
"the Civil Servant:" (to Sae Editor Of Ter " Speouton.")
Sia,—Kindly allow me a few lines to protest against one (sentence of Mr. G. H. Stuart Bunning's letter on -the subject of salaries in the Civil Service. He says: - "It has been......
Letters To The Editor.
[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more effective, than those whicle fill treble the space.] FOR THE SAKE OF......