13 NOVEMBER 1920, Page 15
AsniAssaooss.—The White-Headed Boy 8.30-2.30
[Comedy of the Abbey Theatre school. very funny and trenchant.)
SHANTESBORY.—The Great Lover . • . • 8.30-2.30 [Mr. Maurice litoscmitch in a comedy which proves that the nightingales of Opera can use beak iIlld CiMVS as well WS voice.] Lysto.—The Hight to Strike .. • • • . 8.40-2.48
jtfore 8tate-craft than stage-cratt. A play of the moment.)
IATTLE.—Londort's Grand Guignol 8.15-2.30
[Five playlets. some " shockers," 8011113 comedies, very well acted, especially in the ease of Miss Sybil Thorudike.1