Last week two Irish policemen, an inspector sada sergeant, were
foully murdered at Granand, County Longford. It is alleged by the Times correspondent that some houses belonging to Sem Feiners were burnt by way of reprisals, but the • troupe and police in the district disclaimed all responsibility for the
affair. Lieutenant Hambleton, of the Northampton Regiment, was murdered at Nenagh ; four of the iuspeoted assassins were taken, and two of them, in trying to escape, were shot. In a fight near Praise on Friday, November 5th, six Sinn Feiners were killed and two were captured ; one of the prisoners had a loaded German pistol. On Saturday night, November 6th, a Sinn Fein gang at Londonderry shot and wounded five policemen and then set a number of loyalists' houses on fire ; when the fire brigade turned out, it WBB ambushed by the .gang, who were dispersed by a military patrol. On Monday a large party of troops searehed the wild hill country near Bantry and captured some stores of bombs and arms. Tralee is said to be in military occupation, as two policemen have been kidnapped by the local Sinn Feiners and have, it is feared, been murdered. A policeman was murdered, and another wounded, at Ballybmck, in tho same county, on Tuesday.