Marshal Pooh declared on Monday, in an interview with a
correspondent of the Paris Meals, that the Allied Governments had not utilized the complete victory which he had won for them in order to obtain a good peace. He said that-France needed the Rhine frontier for her security in a military sense, M. Clemente:au, Mr. Wilson, and Mr. Lloyd George had dis- regarded his advice when they were drafting the Peace Treaty ; M. Poineare alone had given him support in his demand for effeetive guarantees. Marshal Pooh also complained that M. Clemenceau had been unfriendly to him. M. Clemeneeeu, contrary to the general belief, had opposed the Marshal's appointment as Generalissimo at Donlleee at the end of March, 1918; Lord Heig's insistenoe, however, carried the day. 31. Tardieu, who was in the ex-Premier's confidences, aeserte, on the contrary, that M. Clemenceau strongly favoured Marshal Pooh before and after his appointment. We cannot help expressing our regret that the. great Commander should have started this painful controversy, which can serve no useful purpose. Soldiers do well to keep clear of polities.