Mr. Henderson, Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, M. Vandervelde, and other Socialists
forming the executive of the "Second International," issued last week a manifesto denouncing the "Third International" as "fanatical dogmatists" and " tyran- nical dictators." "Socialism means peace. Bolshevism means violence and war." Lenin and his confederates, they said, "may have ended wage-slavery, but they have established State- slavery and misery." The Bolsheviks, who had imposed their will upon Russia and were seeking to dominate the Socialist and Labour parties of the world, "belong to the old world of Tandem, not to the new world of Socialism." Mr. Henderson and his allies protested against the Bolshevik usurpation in the name of "democratic Socialism" and "economic democracy." It will be Interesting to see whether Mr. Henderson and Mr. Ramsay MacDonald will give practical effect to this protest by excluding avowed Bolsheviks like, say, Mr. Robert Williams from the British Labour Party.