The Times correspondent attending the conference between the Italian and
Southern Slav delegates at Santa Margherita reports that the vexed controversy about the Adriatic frontier was amicably settled on Wednesday by Count Sforza and 31. Trumbitch. We earnestly trust that this good news will be speedily confirmed. The reported agreement gives part of Istria to the Southern Slays, who in return recognize as Italian the country adjacent to Fiume, which is to be an independent city. Italy is to have the islands of Cherso, Lumen, and Unice in the Gulf of Quamero, and also Lavas,. Zara is to be autonomous, under Italian suzerainty ; all the rest of Dalmatia Is assigned to the Southern Slays. It seems a very fair com- promise, but the details are of slight importance if the parties are really determined to end the dispute and to live henceforth as friendly neighboues.