Field Observations Me British Birds. By the late Fergus Monteith
Ogilvie. (Selwyn and Blount. 25s. net.)—All lovers of birds will be pleased with the delightful book by the late Mr. Fergus Monteith Ogilvie, described on the title page as a sportsman naturalist. The book, we may add, is edited by Mr. Henry Balfour, and has a preface by Mrs. John Massie, which shows shortly but efficiently how well equipped by nature and by study was Mr. Ogilvie for the special work which he undertook. Unfortunately, we cannot find space in the press of books to do more than put up a sign post to this fine piece of first-hand nature-study, but before we leave it we must call attention to the very attractive maps of that part of the Suffolk coast which lies between Aldeburgh and Dunwich designed to illustrate and illuminate the text. Another attractive map i8 that of "The Goose Grounds, South Uist." Once more, we heartily commend this attractive book to all who care for British birds, their habits and characteristics.