Dr. Addison, on Thursday, November 4th, moved the second reading
of a Ministry of Health Bill, containing a number of unrelated provisions. Local authorities are authorized, for instance, to hire compulsorily any empty houses "suitable for the housing of the working classes." They are authorized also to contribute to voluntary hospitals. Dr. Addison took occasion to deny that his department had imposed any serious new burdens on the ratepayer. He declared that the increase due to the Ministry's demands amounted to leas than fivepence out of a net increase of eight shillings in the pound this year. Higher rates, he said, were due mainly to higher wages and dearer materials. It was for the ratepayers to elect thrifty represen. tatives. The Ministry had interfered to prevent the labour Council in Stepney from spending £100,000 a year on the distri- bution of milk, but it was not prepared, as a general rule, to save the ratepayers from the consequences of their own apathy.