The Home Rule Bill, in tho House of Commons on
Monday, was recommitted for various amendments. One of these secured certain annual grants to Trinity College, Dublin, and to the University Colleges. By a new clause the Government placed the duty of constituting Second Chambers for the two Parlia- ments upon the Council of Ireland. The Council will have to submit a scheme to the Parliaments. If they both accept it, the Second Chambers will be set up. If they cannot agree, the Second Chambers will not be formed. The Government were accused of breaking their promise to devise a scheme. Mr. Boner Law, in reply, said that the Government could not propose nominated Second Chambers—for Second Chamber Reform would occupy the House next year—and elected Second Chambers would afford no protection for the minorities in the North and the South. It was better that the North, being interested in the Southern Protestants, and the South, being interested in the Northern Raman Catholics, should come to some agreement on the Second Chamber question. Sir Edward Carson said that Ulster would prefer not to have a Second Chamber. He ex- pressed a hope that the Council of Ireland might pave the way for a reunion of the two parts of Ireland.