Points of Honour
I doubt whether a letter from a practising homosexual (" name and address supplied ") which was published last week by one of our contemporaries will gain much sympathy for his fellow-sufferers. Though he refers to homosexuality as a "terrible affliction," he writes about it with a smugness bordering on the self-righteous. "I regard it now [sic] as a point of honour never to go with anyone I know to be normal. Nor do homosexuals defend those who exploit [sic again] the young; they would welcome an age-limit of 21." His letter, which I find quietly revolting, concludes on a note of jaunty condescension : "As a homosexual, I regard normal sexual relations with repugnance—but I do not seek to prohibit them ! " This contribution to a current controversy is not made more attractive by the writer's choice of a nom de plume. Where " X " or " Anon " would have served the purpose, intellectual snobbery drove him to implicate the profession to which he belongs by subscribing himself " Scientist.