Pollock's Pets
SIR, — Your circular letter has brought back many memories of the so-called " Pollock's Pets," who were at one time so closely con- nected with your paper. I was, in fact, a......
Ceffers To The Editor
MALAYA AND THE ENGLISH PRESS SIR, — In spite of its immense economic impor- tance as a dollar-earner for the whole Com- monwealth and its vital strategic position in South-East......
S1R, — The 252 Hospitals listed in the current list of out-patient clinics available in Greater London alone run between them 2,257 clinics for every form of sickness except......
Social Lepers Or Sick Men?
SIR, — There is an aspect of homosexuality not so far •touched on in your correspondence. The man suffering from disease accepts treat- ment, and wishes to get well. The homo-......