PREMIUM ON DUELLINCL—A Court-martial was held at Vellore, Ja- nuary
9, on Ensign J. A. Crawford, 4th Native Infantry, for having "submitted to be called a liar by Ensign W. Lawless Seplings, of the same regiment, without taking any measures to remedy the insult." The Court found him Guilty, and sentenced him to be discharged from the Company's service; which was eonfirmed.—Tinzes. [What did the Court do with Ensign W. Lawless Seppings? Either be spoke truth, -or he did not. If he spoke truth, Ensign Crawford ought to have been dismissed the service, not for being called, but, for being a liar; if he did not, he ought to have been dismissed the service for adding false- hoot! toinsult. The "crime," the finding, and confirmaticn, are alike illegal. and absurd.