Sheldrake's Animal Mechanics.
WE have no doubt that the SHELDRAXE who wrote this book is the real SHELDRAKE—that WILLIAM SHELDRAKE, whose only merit is his name, is a vile impostor. We moreover believe that......
Lodge's Portraits.
THE first six numbers of the last new edition of LODGE'S Portraits and Memoirs of Illustrious Personages of British History, are before us ; and the fact of its being the fifth......
Miss Sheridan, In The Preface To Her Comic Offering, States,
tint "of the three Comic Annuals which started at the same time, the Comic Offering alone remains." This announcement surprised us; and in the midst of her shower of puns, we......
Fine Arts.
PORTRAITS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. SOME information with respect to the several portraits of Sir Warn SCOTT will doubtless be acceptable to those who may wish to possess a good......
Useful And Ornamental Planting.
THIS is a very complete and well-digested work, on a subject of great practical utility. We have here a full and yet compact ex- position of all that relates to that very......