The fluctuation in Consols during the week has not exceededsi per cent. ; 844 having been the highest, and 8411 the lowest price for money. The settlement of the October Account took place to-day, and passed off without any defaulters. Consols for money close at 846 -A-, and for the 28th November 84i11.F. Exchequer Bills have improved considerably, being to-day 21s. 22s. premium, and are likely to advance still higher, when money shall be rendered even more abundant than at present by the payment of the October Dividends, which will commence to-morrow. The 3 per Cent. Reduced, 3 per Cent. Reduced, 3 per Cents. 1818, 4 per Cents. 1820, Long Annuities, and Bank Stock, are now open for private transfer. India Stock is 203, and Bank Stock 1891 ex. Div.
The business in the Foreign Market has been principally confined to Dutch Stock; and though the transactions in that description of security have been extensive, they have not produced much fluctuation. The highest price during the week has been 42ib and the lowest 42;1. Brazilian Bonds have been depressed to 471 ; but at the close of business were quoted 47h, 48. The Portuguese Bonds and Regency Scrip have fallen more than 1 per cent., and up to this moment have not evinced any symptoms of reaction: the former have been as low as 47, and the latter 57, discount ; which are the closing prices. Spanish Stock is also lower ; the hopes of the speculators having been disappointed by the recovery of FERDINAND. All other descriptions of Stock remain nearly at last week's prices.
Consols have scarcely varied from the opening price all day. The transactions in all descriptions of Stock are on a very limited scale. We have only to notice a slight improvement in Regency Scrip, which is 53 and 5 discount. Spanish Stock is lower the nominal quotation being 13ft and