An extra express, received by the Standard last night, gave
the following statement of the French Ministerial arrangements, and the changes consequent on them. The announcements appear officially in the Moniteur of Thursday— Marshal &HILT Minister of War, and President of the Council of Ministers. The Duke of BROGUE, Minister of Foreign Affairs. M. HILHANN, Minister of Finance.
M. THIERS, Minister of Interior.
M. GUIZOT, Minister of Public Instruction.
M. BARTHE, Minister of Justice, is charged with the portfolio of Religion. De RIGNY has the Marine, as before; and Count ra —.—RGOUT Commerce and Public Works.
Baron Louis and M. G1ROD (de FAin) are named Peers of France.
The Moniteur announces that the Chambers will meet on The 19th November. The Constitutionnel asserts the Ministry have no chance of a majority even for a day. The Times correspondent says that the Ministerial arrange- ments have been brought about by the activity of M. TRIERS; and he proceeds to observe, that the Ministry of the Interior, to which M. THIERS succeeds, has been reduced to a mere super- intendency of the Police. These two facts do not very well cohere. The department of Public Worship has been joined to that of Seals and Justice; for the purpose, it is supposed, of allowing the future junction of M. DUPIN. Whether he take advantage of it or not, will in a great measure depend on the state of the vote for the Presidency of the Chamber; for which office it is meant to propose M. DUPIN.