Wednesday, October 10. Since the commencement of the October Meetings at this place. such fine weather and such excellent sport have not been known,, yesterday, nor have there on any oc- casion been so many horses collected together. Great pains have been taken by Baron de Tessier (the resident steward) to provide attraction for the public, And be has emi- nently succeeded. The racing came off as follows:—
The Epsom Plate of 50/. Heats, two miles.
M. Theobald's Gretna Green, 3 years 1 1
Lord Lowther's Timekeeper, 4 years (received 10 sovs.) 3 2 Mr. Kent's f. by Sultan, out of Antiope, 3 years 2 3
Two-Veer Old Stakes, of 50 Sovereigns each. h. ft.; colts, fist. 711,.; fillies, fist. 31b. Half. mile. Winners 31b. extra. 3 subscribers.
Mr. Ley's Partiality 1 • Sir G. Heathcote's ch. e. by BlaCklock—Jane 2 A very One race, and won by not more than a neck.
Sweepstakes of 3 sovereigns each, and 35 added; weights as for the first race. Mile heats. The winner to be sold for 100 sovereigns, Ste., and the second horse to save his stake. 15 subscribers.
Mr, Wiltshire's Wassailer, 5 years 0 1 1 Duke of Richmond's Casador, 3 years 3 3 2 Mr. Thomas's Blinker, 6 years 0 9 3
First heat ctem between Wassailer and Blinker Thursday, Oct. 11.
Produce Stake, of 30 Sovereigns each, h. ft. Three subscribers. Sir G. Ileatheote's ch. c. by Blacklock—Jane 1 Mr. Laurance's 1. by Phantom 2 Sweepstakes of 30 Sovereigns each, and 35 added. 4 Subscribers. Mr. Theobald's b. f. Gretna Green, 3 yrs ... 1 Mr. Smith's b. f. The Witch, 4 yrs 2
Sir G. Heatlutote's ch. f. stately, 3 yrs 3
Mr. Watson's b. flu. Miss Fidget, aged 4 Sweepstakes of 30 Sovereigns each, and 35 added. 15 subscribers. Mr. Wiltshire's Wassailer, 5 yrs 4 4 1 1 Mr. Forth's gr. f. by Muidleton, 3 yrs 2 4 2 2 Mr. Jones's M. h. by Rubens, 4 yrs 4 3 3 Mr. Garclnor's King Willm ia, 5 yrs 1 its. .
All the fifteen started.
This was the finish of the sports which, from the fineness of the weather, have afforded more than usual gratification.