The following is the report for the week.
Saturday Monday
• WTuednesdeasyday
Thursday Friday New Cases.
374 790 406 402 .1., 314 245 330 410 Deaths. Recoveries.
153 236 173 195 148 231 161 158 140 159
We regret to observe, in the course of the last ten days, a large- in- crease both of cases and deaths in Edinburgh. From the 3d to' the 10th, there were no fewer than 201 cases and 110 deaths. On the 3d, the cases were 44, and on the 4th 45. On the 8th and 9th, however, they had diminished to 18 and 13. In Glasgow, also, where manrap- parently sound and healthy persons have fallen victims, the disease is rather increasing than diminishing.