13 OCTOBER 1849, Page 20



ONE of the finest exhibitions ever openedeo theerorld is in preparation by the Society of Arts,-with the countenance and active,epoperation of Peiece Albert—an " exposition d'induitrie," on a magnificent scale. The exhi- bition is fixed for theyear 1851; and the time isles, from being too long fin the orgiiniastion- of a scheme so vast. The colleCtion and exhibition will congest of—Raw Materials; Machinery and Efeehanical Invent-lone"; Manufantures; Sculpture and Plastic Art generally. The collection will admit specimens from all parts of the World; and already contributieni are announced from the princiPal towns and industrial thins of. the country: the East India Company will exhibit all its produce;, and there-can be no doUbk ,that the -Colonies will be. eager to be represented-at. that. great metropolitan congress of industry; foreign countries eaunot fail to be stirred It munificent prizes: In this form--20,000L will be distributed, ef,evhieth'tlyerprincipril one, given pertfatia fir the most perfect and idiricirMett specimen. In. Whatsoever branch of industry, will probably amount 'to 50001.1tFor the site Prince Albert, has, enggested a space of &mind in Hide Bark: heileen the. Henkington ' drive and-Rotten Row. - The -.enter- prise will probibly be managed: by a Royal Comirdssion in conjunction with the...Society:of Arts; the principal manufacturers- og-the,dountry di etretAsible Conlin:4qt as a guarantee :for impartialfty, requires..somoisciagination to realize the magnificent spectacle which 4Wheyeeseditid SO the world in Hyde Park,' Indio and Ameriea will eie inleaping.uptheir native wealth; savage Africa will have its riches to dis- play; Europe will seek to Chow that art haidene for iudustry,--how taste can impart vitalityto,handieraft, and intellect. multiply the powers of the Mint. invention Wilfpftar id its netiek,OtiqUeSts;—sOftik'iattladt, never before seen, some probably which languish unknown fer.want of ,ef- feetine tombinatiOnsOf Wealth and enterpeiee. English mechanical eMil will be stimulatedio-itsibigheetefferts for, that world -parade: the array of lcidettptiffengines atone will`xtend in tin', immense line; each gigantic pewer-sieed:TenislThed with-the nicety-of thefinest work, and,reaching in Value-to pool.-or-2O0(4. of *re. • - indeed the value of that meae"cifpieked geiods-mnst exceed all:Present:calculation. a LIE 11.9 The coliaterelsief this great spectable will b-e oefirdinate. Europe and Araericalndia perhaps and Australia, will send their visitors ; manufac- turers,- engineers, artists, candidates fbr pnblic notice and patr,ena,ef,in- dustrY, farm the army, with thO huge enrop,folinwing of the eurietts; the exhibition:time will be an iniMetise (eseitftelp3.1120 British inVetitliolis, unknoWn before; 'the jubilee of .indiistry will live-in the lortgestlineoicay ; the congress of talent, wealth, have it§•teniagefiem all quarters—its &tea, its attendant arts, a literature of its own.