To The Editor Of The Spectator.
SIR—The evidence given before the Committee of the Woods, Forests, and Land Revenues of the Crown, during its sittings last session, has lately appeared. It is observable, that......
The Theatres.
The appearance of Mr. Macready on Monday last at the Haymarket, as the commencement of a series of performances that with some inter- ruption will continue a good way into next......
To The Editor Of The Spectator.
Bristol, 10th October 1849. Sin—I perceive in your last week's publication a letter from " William Reid, M.D.," in which it is said that "there is no special plan written down......
The Pestilent Condition Of A Sewer In Pimlico Has Tensed
the loss of five lives. Along a street of new houses under the builder's hands, called Kenilworth Street, runs a branch sewer, which is bricked up at the end farthest from that......
Money Market.
STOCK. EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTKENDON. The only circumstance worth notice is the resumption today of purchases by the Bank broker on account of the Sinking-fund. These operations......