The Dublin correspondent of the Times reports a project suggested by Prince Albert for enlarging the scope of the new collegiate education in Ireland- " I am in a position to state that a long communication has been addressed by Prince Albert to his Exeellency the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, having reference to the establishment of a second University in Dublin. It appears from this letter, that the Principals of the three Queen's Colleges were anxious to have the power conferred separately on those institutions of granting degrees in the several facul- ties of Law, Physic, and Arts; a view which is ably;combated by his Royal High- ness, on the ground that the granting of such powers would only have the effect of converting those colleges into 'common nuisances and nests of jobbing and sec- tarianism.' The Prince, however, advocates the propriety of founding a second University for all Ireland; the government of which he suggests should be intrusted to a Senate consisting of not more than'sevenbeen persons, including the Presidents of the Queen's Colleges, and representatives, the most distinguished that can be obtained, of the several faculties of Ai1fs, Law, and Physie, of the exact and natu- ral Sciences, of Agriculture, and of Belles Lettres, with a Chancellor and Vice- Chancellor; all of whom are to be appointed by the Crown. This Senate, his Royal Highness further suggests, should have the control over the system of education practised in the Provincial Colleges, and of the arrangements for gra- duation. It is nearly certain that the plan thus shadowed forth will be acted upon without mach loss of time."
The Lord Chancellor of Ireland has removed the Earl of Roden, Mr. William Beers, and Mr. Francis C. Beers, from the Irish Magistracy, for their conduct in relation to the Dolly's Brae disturbance. A letter from Sir Thomas Redington, Under-Secretary for Ireland, communi- cates to the Chancellor the Lord-Lieutenant's reasons for recommend- ing the dismissal. This letter gives a general sketch of the transac- tions, including the proceedings before the Castlewellan Magistrates, when a majority of the bench, headed by Lord Roden, refused to take informations preferred against certain Orangemen for their share in the lawless doings. It severely censures the Messieurs Beers, " for showing themselves most indifferent to the preservation of the public peace" which they were "bound as Magistrates to maintain." As to Lord Roden—" It appears to his Excellency destructive of public confi- dence in the administration of justice, that a Magistrate should take part in the judicial consideration" of acts alleged to be illegal in which he himself participated. The letter therefore concludes by conveying to the Chancellor the Lord-Lieutenant's recommendation " that the Earl of Ro- den, William Beers and Francis C. Beers, Esquires, be superseded in the commissions of the peace which they now hold."
Lord Roden has replied to the Lord Chancellor's notification. He thanks the Chancellor for the courteous manner of communicating a severe sen- tence; and he respectfully bows to the authority vested in her Majesty's Government to remove any individuals, though their services may be as long as his have been—a period of forty years: but he cannot admit that he abetted an unlawful assembly, as the assembly was sanctioned by the pre- sence of troops, police, and stipendiary magistrates, who could have sup- pressed it if necessary. He trusts to be forgiven for expressing the " great consolation" that the last act of his magisterial life "was the conscientious refusal to take information against forty-two loyal men charged with an act not proved to be illegal by the evidence brought before the bench." The Caatlewellan Magistrates have for a second time refused to take in- formation against the Orangemen. On the rising of the bench, the ma- jority of the Magistrates, and a large number of gentlemen, proceeded in a body to Tollymore Park to pay their respects to Lord Roden. The first meeting of the resuscitated Repeal Association was held in Conciliation Hall on Monday. Mr. John O'Connell acted as honorary secretary, and " Mr. Mahon of Phibsborough" took the chair. Mr. John made a speech: he declared that there had been and was to be no compro- mise of Repeal; he warned his hearers against certain " Nationalists," and said, without " mentioning names," that the countenance and support of those who never had deceived would be given to his movement.. He vitu- perated Lord Clarendon, " God-blessed " the Queen, cried " Down with the Established Church," and repeated " Never compromise Repeal or desert your principles of peace." " Rent" was collected and annoanced-251.
Nearly half a score of candidates have been " mentioned " for the vacant representation of Cork County; among them, the Irish Attorney-General and Solicitor-General, Mr. Sergeant Murphy, Mr. F. A. Walsh, Mr. E. V. H. Kenealy, Mr. Isaac Butt, QC., and Colonel Chatterton. Mr. Butt and Mr. Kenealy have issued addresses. Mr. Kenealy's is an eulo- gium on himielf. Mr. Butt declares that he will endeavour to obtain Par- liamentary inquiries into the condition of Ireland, and its disastrous go- vernment; no that the unconstitutional practices, and wholesale murder of the Irish population by a fatal policy of starvation, may be laid open to the indignation of the world. He will advocate measures to stimulate in- dustry and give bread to the people, by means of fisheries, waste lands, railways, &c.; an increase of Irish representatives; an improved poor-law, with the assistance of an absentee-tax; compensation for tenants' improve- ments, and protection to native industry. He respects the chivalry and generous devotion of Repeaters, but cannot advocate Repeal: nor can he seek the vote of one who would demand the destruction of the Established Protestant Church.