The following "final instructions" relative to Sunday duties have just been issued by the Post-office.
4 On and from tomorrow (Saturday) evening, a London bag must be made up in every provincial post-office, and which is only to contain letters which pass through London for places beyond it, and the postage on which has been prepaid by stamps. Newspapers, books, Parliamentary proceedings, and all kinds of do- cuments which pass through the post for less than full letter-postage rates, will be detained in the provincial post-offices until the London bag is despatched on Sunday. Foreign and Colonial letters, whether prepaid by money. or sent unpaid, as well as letters for the Government offices, will be forwarded in the Saturday night London bag. On and from Sunday evening next, .a bag will be made up in London for every provincial post town. A. measure is in contemplation for the re- lief of rural post-office messengers, which is to let them return home within an hour or so after they have delivered all their letters on Sunday morning, instead of compelling them to remain at the extreme end of their deliveries until Sunday night; so that they may be enabled to attend to their religious duties in company with their families during the principal portion of Sunday." We learn, on unquestionable authority, that shortly after the Postmaster-Ge- neral had left the Home Office on Thursday, his Lordship summoned an extra- ordinary meeting of the Board; at which Colonel Maberly, Mr. Rowland Hill, and Mr. Bokenham, Comptroller of the Inland Office, attended. After a lengthened consultation, it was announced that his Lordship the Postmaster-General had been pleased to postpone the execution of the contemplated measure respecting Sunday labour till the 28th instant. —Christian Times.
The Commissioners of the National Debt notify, through last night's Gazette, that 10,3491. 10s. 2d., being one-fourth part of the "actual sur- plus revenue " of the United Kingdom beyond the " actual expenditure thereof for the year ending .5th July 1849," with 1,7911. Os. 6d. " interest receivable on account of donations and bequests," will be applied, before the 5th January 1850, towards the reduction of the National Debt.