A correspondent of the Standard, writing from &thumb% on September
27, makes a very remarkable statement. Ho is most friendly to Mehemet Ali and the Turkish cause, but he affirms that the battalions under Cheyket Pasha who have just entered Plevna, and number, it is reported, 15,000 men, were despatched from Mehemet Al's army across the Balkans, by Osman Bazaar and Kasen. It "was thought that direct succour to Osman might be more valu- able than indirect aid by menacing Biela," and Mehemet Ali con- sented, therefore, to be deprived of these troops. That state- ment confirms our impression that the Porte is becoming pressed for troops, and is shifting those it has from point to point, and that the war on the frontier is the whole war. If the Russians can take Plevna, and destroy Suleiman Pasha's army, which cannot be very strong, European Turkey will be very nearly defenceless.