13 OCTOBER 1877, page 3

Dr. Appleton, The Strenuous Critic Of Owens College, Man-...

and the most active antagonist of the scheme for raising Owens College to the rank of a University, writes to Thursday's Times to denounce that project, chiefly on the ground......

The Tone Taken By The Higher Clergy In Relation To

the repre- centation of the Laity- in the Church is not very promising to those who wish to see a Church living in the present, and not merely claiming to be the lineal......

The Archbishop Of Canterbury, Of Whose Rather Optimist...

address we have said almost enough elsewhere, glided over the ground he had traced out for himself with a good deal of dexterity, aiming, it would seem, rather to keep the......

The Bank Of England On Thursdety Raised Its Rate Of

discount to 5 per cent. Money was steadily going out, much of it for trade pur- poses, and the Bank deemed it necessary to protect itself. Busi- ness, however, does not revive......

Commie Were On Friday 951 To 951.


The Seventeenth Church Congress Met At Croydon On Tues- Day,

under the presidency of the Arohbishop of Canterbury. Canon Lightfoot, who had been chosen to preach before the Congress, appears to have dwelt with great eloquence on "the......

Mr. Roberts, Formerly Librarian Of All Souls', Sent To Wed-

nesday's Times a very sufficient reply to the complaint urged last week in our own columns against the Oxford University Com- mission, by , Mr. A. J. Butler, of Winchester, for......

The Two Most Important Subjects Of Discussion At The Con-

gress have been that on the first evening, concerning the adequacy of "sceptical culture" to take the place of Christian faith in relation to the moral life of society ; and......