13 OCTOBER 1928, Page 2

We have written elsewhere about a disturbing residue of the

Anglo-French Naval compromise, but must refer here to the Italian reply to the proposal in general. Italy declares her willingness to accept any figure of naval limitation, however low, provided that it is not exceeded by any other Power on the Continent of Europe. As regards methods of limitation, she is in favour of a global tonnage rather than of limitation by categories. She points out that this would leave every country free to utilize the permitted amount. of tonnage according to its particular requirements. She thinks that the greater the number of categories the more difficult will it be to arrive at any understanding and that the true line of advance is to allow the largest possible liberty of choice within a total figure. Although this is opposed to the French and British points of view it corresponds with the American, and we sincerely hope that as America has invited further discussion on these lines the Government will be prompt to accept the invitation.