13 OCTOBER 1928, page 3

Another Surprise Is The Preamble To The Law. This Definitely

sets a limit to the immediate development of democracy on Western lines. The Kuomintang having ceased to be Communist was naturally supposed to be at least highly democratic.......

* * * * Meanwhile An Incident In Connexion With

the unofficial publication of the terms of the Anglo-French compromise is driving the French and American publics further apart. Mr. Horan, the Paris correspondent of Mr.......

The Most Satisfactory Fact From The Foreign Point Of View

is that the new Government more nearly represents China than any Government of the past. Sir Austen Chamberlain's policy of conciliatory patience has now a fresh opportunity. It......

Sir Joseph Duveen Has Added Magnificently To The Many...

benefactions which stand in his family's name. He has offered to bear the cost of the immediate extension of the art galleries emphatically recommended in the Interim Report of......

The Shanghai Correspondent Of The Tinzes Says That A...

was caused in Nanking when it was announced that Chang Ilsueh-liang, son of the late Chang Tso-lin and now ruler of Manchuria, had become a member of the State Council. This......

* * * * The Chinese Nationalists Have At Last

proclaimed their model Constitution. The law, as promulgated, differs essentially from what we had been led to expect. The prospective Ministers undoubtedly wished to shake......

Last Sunday The Prince Regent Of Abyssinia, Ras Taffari...

was crowned as Negus, or King, after twelve years of Regency. He became Regent in 1916 when the incompetent Yasu was dethroned and Judith, a grand-daughter of the famous......

We Congratulate The League Of Nations Union On Having...

Mr. Baldwin as the chief speaker at their tenth anniversary meeting at the Albert Hall on October 26th. It is excellent that the Prime Minister is in this way giving the lie to......

In Little More Than Five Weeks Australia Will Hold A

General Election, and it is certain that the dock strike, which is gradually collapsing, will colour the issues. It is an odd coincidence that Mr. Bruce fought the last General......

Bank Rate, 41 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.,

or, April 21st, 1927. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 103* ; on Wednesday week 102# ; a year ago 102#. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 88tx.d.; on Wednesday......