One of the ripest scholars of our day, Mr. Edwyn
Bevan, has devoted his learning and his gift of lucid expression to a new field of investigation in Sibyls and Seers (Allen & Unwin, 7s. 6d.). It will not do to dismiss belief in the efficacy of spiritual intervention or even in the special powers of " mediums " as a mere relic of savagery. It has always been in the world, and has engaged the attention and credence of some of its most scientific and logical minds. We read here of the various forms of this belief : the epiphanies of gods, the appearances and evocations of ghosts ; the idea of the " bath-qol," the voice from heaven, even of the letter from heaven ; the sibylline ecstasy and the dream-vision. Need- less to say, some of these have found their place in Christianity itself. Montanism showed the impulse in its most extravagant form ; but there are familiar passages in its favour in the sacred canon as well. There is a most curious account of the " Himmelsbrief," the printing of which was specially author- ized for Catholics by Pius IX., and which was actually worn as a charm, and very extensively, by German soldiers in the War. The whole book deserves attention and close study.