The business in the English Funds has been unimportant, and prices have con- tinued without any material change; the preponderance of sales having tended to keep down the market, which, though steady for the last two days, does not present any indication of improvement. There has been no revival of the report that the Bank Directors would increase the rate of discount, and no importance was attached to the meeting of yesterday. Money is easily obtainable at very low rates upon good commercial bills; and where, as in the case of loans upon Railway Shares, high interest is demanded, the increased price it to be attributed to the nature of the security.
The slight insurrectionary movement at Madrid had but a trifling effect upon Spanish Stock; which had improved nearly 4 per cent upon our last prices, but upon the receipt of the intelligence in question declined to the point from which the upward movement commenced—at which the market closes- heavily this afternoon. Mexican Bonds have slightly improved; the last intelligence bringing notice of remittances on behalf of the Dividends; and both Active and Deferred Stock may be quoted at an advance of 1 per cent upon our last prices. There appears to be a sort of lull in Railway speculation. Some of the heavier lines have declined: Birmingham was quoted today 71. below our last prices South-eastern, Croydon, Dover, and Brighton, are all lower; as are many of the Scrip Shares. Both London and York and the Direct Northern have fallen; it appearing from the proceedings at the meeting of the proprietors of the latter line, held yesterday, that the contest fur the whole line to 1 ork will be renewed at the meeting of Parliament. It is also reported that the expenses already in- curred by the London and York Directors have exceeded the amount of the de- posits. Notwithstanding the check to speculation given by the state of the market for new Shares, fresh schemes are daily accumulating, and every day gives birth to several new enterprises.
The bidding for the lease of the Great Northern Railway of France occurred in Paris on Tuesday, and the result was known here at an early hour on Wednes- day. The two French companies of Rothschild on the one side and Hottinguer on the other have become associated with those known in England as the compa- nies of Lafitte, Rommel, Decan and Le Bceuf, and Pepin Le Halleur. It is not necessary here to state the mutual concessions attending this union, by which all the above named companies have mergedinto one, known as Rothschild's ; which, with a capital of 8,000,0001., divided into 400,000 shares of 201. or 500 franca each, will administer the affairs of the Great Northern Railway of France for thirty-eight years. The undertaking is viewed with very favourable eyes by the public, and the Shares of the constituted Company, after being at 141 pre- mium, are to day about 13. Several new Companies are forming to bid for the Paris and Lyons, Paris and Strasburg, and Lyons and Avignon lines, all which will be leased in the course of the autumn.
There is no change of importance either in the English or Foreign Funds. The Railway Shares are generally heavy, in anticipation of the settlement of Tuesday next, and some of the heavier description have fallen materially. We have to no- tice the occurrence of the following transactions: Bristol and Exeter, 891; Ches- ter and Holyhead, 194; Direct Northern, 21 4; Dublin and Belfast, 91; Eastern Union Extension, 41; Leicester and Bedford, 24; Croydon 244; Newcastle and Berwick, 161 16; Shrewsbury, Wolverhampton, Dudley, and Birmingham, 71 4; Northampton, Banbury, and Cheltenham, 64; Bonrdeaux, Toulouse, and Cette, 2 1; Great Paris and Lyons, 21; Orleans, Tours, and Bordeaux, 134; Paris and Lyons, (Calon's,) 21; Paris and Orleans, 501; Sambre and Meuse, 81; Dutch Rhenish, 84; East India, 14.
SATURDAY, Two o'croex. The only change remarkable in either the English or the Foreign Funds is a heaviness in Spanish Bonds, which close about 1 per cent below the opening prices. The Shares are all lower; the pressure of the approaching .settlement operating against prices. We have to notice the following bargains, in addition to those given in the morning: Birmingham and Gloucester, 131; Ditto, New, 32; Bristol and Exeter, 88; Caledonian, 114 12 111; Chester and Holyhead, 194 20; Corn- wall, 34; Dublin and Galway, 51; Edinburgh and Glasgow, (New,) 141; Edin- burgh and Perth, 21; Great Western, 162 155 160; Ditto, Half-shares, 934; Ditto, Fifths, 361; Hull and Selby, 104; Lancaster and Carlisle, 534; Brighton, 751 6 54; Greenwich, 104; South-western, 764 64; Manchester and Leeds, 208; Manchester and Birmingham, 72; Midland, 1664; Newcastle and Berwick, 161 16; North British, 41; Preston and Wyre, 41 2; South-eastern and Dover, 461; Ditto, New, 81 74; Welsh Midland, 44 4; York and North Midland, 1144; Ditto and Scarborough, 54 3; Ditto and Selby, 83; Boulogne and Amiens, 11; Bordeaux, Tolonse, and Cette, 24; Great North of France, (Lafitte's,) 61 1 1; Ditto, (Rosamel's,) 31; Great Paris and Lyons, 24; Louvain and Jemeppe, 44; Orleans and Vierzon, 21; Orleans, Tours, and Bordeaux, 134 4; Paris and Lyons, (Lafitte's,) 34; Ditto, (Ganneron's,) 24; Ditto, (Calon's,) 21 4; Paris and Or- leans, 504; Paris and Strasburg, (Ganneron's,) 21; West Flanders, 54 5; Dutch- Rhenish, 81; East Indian, 14; Luxemburg, 21; North of France, (Pepin le Hal- leur's,) 21; Jersey, 3.
3 per Cent Console .... • 981 1 Columbian ex Venezuela... 184 4 Ditto for Account
984 1
Danish 3 per Cents 89 90 3 per Cent Reduced shut Dutch 21 per Cents 62 1 31 per Cents shut Ditto 4 per Cents 99 1 Long Annuities shut Mexican 5 per Cents 321 331 Bank Stock for Account ... 2134 Ditto Deferred 161 171 Exchequer Bills prem. 46 8 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 631 41 India Stock — Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 63 4 Brazilian 5 per Cents 89 90 Russian 5 per Cents .1141 151 ex. div.
Belgian 41 per Cents 100 1 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 38 4 Chilian 6 per Cents 100 2 Ditto 3 Cents 1842 27 4