Irbe Euenist Visiit To Oe Continent.
QUEER VICTORIA made a change in her intended route homewards, and, at the pressing invitation of King Louis Philippe, extended her tour to Frazee. Wemust, however, go back to......
Peace And War1 One Would Fancy From The Topics Of
the foreign journals, that all the world was on the brink of a universal conflict. Peace and war1 One would fancy from the topics of the foreign journals, that all the world was......
Lord Stanley Will Not Let Any Colony, Or Group Of
colonies, forget who is Colonial Minister. Long ago, he promised Guiana, that by March 1845, five thousand Coolies should be introduced from India : in August 1845, less than......
Certain Recent Events In Ireland Are Not New In That
country, but so strikingly develop old and permanent characteristics as to have all the force of novelty. Instead of subsiding, the conster- nation of the Orangemen at the......