Mr. T. C. Wesiiiite4'the Medical Officer of Andover Union, has
addressed a letter to the Poor-law Commissioners, declining to prosecute Mr. Macdougal; protesting against the suggestion that he should do so at his own expense, as preposterous; and showing that an attempt to fix the Master to any single charge of criminal conduct would probably fail, while even conviction would not meet the case of that general profligacy which is the real imputation against his fitness for his office.
At Guildhall Polic-office, yesterday, Charles Gregory Maynard, charged with bigamy and fraudulently negotiating the return of stolen property, on payment, was finally committed for trial.
The eldest son of the late Mr. Booth was brought into the gaol of Cavan, that he might identify the murderer of his late kind and affectionate parent; when several men were placed before him. He selected the man charged with the deed, (Heavy,]] and said, " He was almost confident that that was the person who d."—.Newry Telegraph.