[To TEN EDITOR OF TER "Bricrkrozt."] SIR,—May I support Colonel
Keene's letter with reference to the age of Territorials? During the past four years I have personally sworn in over one hundred recruits, but in no case has there been any suggestion that a birth eertifieate should be demanded or that any verification of age should be given Most of us who know the recruits personally have a shrewd idea that they add a year or two in order to join the force, and in one camp I calculated, after consulting with my N.C.O.'s, that six of our lads were aged sixteen and that several others were only seventeen. But we need recruits, and the meshes of the net are left large enough for keen boys to slip through.—I am, Sir, &c., A TERRITORIAL OFFICER.
P.S.—My typist who is typing this letter has just informed me that e joined the Force when he was not sixteen years of age—an interesting personal confirmation of Colonel Keene's letter.