Proportional Representation. By J. C. Meredith. (simpkin,...
2s. 6d. net.)—Dr. Meredith discusses with reference to the "proportional representation" clauses in the Home Rule Bill the various electoral systems which have been devised to......
Waterloo, And Oudenarde, To Lille, With A Diversion Over The
border through Sedan and Revin. From Lille the journey continues by way of Amiens and Rheims to Freiburg, the Black Forest, and the Lake of Constance, Oberammergau, and Munich,......
Rural Regeneration, In England. By William Sutherland....
2s. net.)—Mr. Sutherland, though he does not claim to have discovered any panacea for our agricultural depression, lays great stress on the promotion of small holdings and......
Lord's Men Of Littlebourne. By James Chapman Andrews. (g. G.
Harrap and Co. Is. 3d. net.)—An interesting and unpretentious story, designed to illustrate English country life in the fourteenth century, for educational use.......
Garden Craft In Europe. By H. Inigo Triggs. (b. T.
Batsford. 35s. net.)—Mr. Triggs, whose fine folio on "Formal Gardens in England and Scotland" is well known to garden lovers, has put together an equally attractive volume on......