The situation of the Spanish troops in Morocco has -
become 'very serious. A few months ago the Marquis de Estella, the Head of the Directory, decided upon a partial withdrawal in the face of the very troublesome and pertinacious Riffs. Probably all friends of Spain recognized this as a wise step. The undoing of Spain - throughout many generations has been foreign com- mitments. She has great internal resources which -- urgently need development and economically she has nothing to gain by foreign adventures. After the loss of her colonies in the Spanish-American War her trade almost at once reacted favourably. The same result might have been looked' for from a restriction of military undertakings in Morocco. But, alas I the Riffs- would= not allow it to happen. The fact that they have forced on the Spanish troops entirely different tactics, amounting to a renewal of warfare on a large scale, is an unwelcome sign of their power.