In The Rest Of His Speech Mr. Lloyd George Declared
war on the Government with regard to their Russian policy.. That , he would do, this had already become obvious. He predicted that if the Government went to the country on the......
In An Important Speech On Wednesday Mr. Lloyd George Stated
that he agreed with Lord Birkenhead's letter. " I stand by it- and all that it contains." He argued that Northern Ireland ought to appoint a delegate to the Boundary Commission,......
The Principal Events At This Year's Assembly Of The League
of Nations at Geneva have been the speeches delivered by Mr. MacDonald and M. Herriot, and the agreed resolution that has resulted from them. Mr. MacDonald's speech, which was......
Editorial And Publishing Offices : 13 York Street, Covent...
London, W.C. 2. A SUBSCRIPTION to THE SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage to any part of the world.......
News Of The Week.
O N Monday was published a letter from Lord Birken- - head to Lord Balfour,. written in March, 1922, to reassure Lord Balfour, just returned from the Washing- ton Conference, as......