This is the situation as it appears from telegraphic. reports,
but very likely it bears absolutely no relation to the actual facts. For instance, it is said that Chi Hsieh-yuan has been ordered by his superior, Wu7Pei-fu,.. to attack Lu. Yung-hsiang,13ecause Chi Hsieh-yuan is a young and energetic rival of Wu-Pei-fu, whom he would not be- loth to see damaged by an arduous campaign.. Thus, the situation probably- is of more than oriental complexity. The one thing that seems clear is that we in this country should not take the war au tragique. The accounts of the fighting must not be read in the light of the late War in Europe. For instance, in the greatest campaign of modern times in China, in which armies of over 100,000 men were used on both sides, the total casualties were - well -under 5,000. Thus any hasty talk of intervention is to be deprecated. * • * * * ••