12 SEPTEMBER 1946, Page 13


Sta,—As a description of the facts your article on a World-Wide Fifth Column is substantially correct. But your conclusion that organised Labour is the body best fitted to deal with this situation is' much more doubtful, and indicates in my opinion a serious misunderstanding of human nature. For world-wide fifth columns become possible only when move- ments emerge to express ideas and beliefs capable of evoking a passionate loyalty and transcends •the barriers of class and political nationality. And if the facts are as stated, it is because the Marxism Which the C.P. expresses has many of the features of an arresting and absorbing religious movement.

Now all history witnesses to the continual failure of political movements to check or handle successfully religious movements that inspire fanatical belief. Water does not quench burning oil ;sand religious movements can be met only on their own plane of spiritual conviction and passion. Those, therefore, who expect the so easily penetrated Labour movement to be able to deal with world Marxism would save themselves much disappointment if they would first re-read their history books and .keflect on the success of their own beliefs over their political opponents. The only body which has the conviction and depth to stand against Marxism is the historic Church. For here alone is Marxism met on its own proper ground of philosophy and belief.—I remain, Sir, Yours faithfully,

The Parsonage, Southwick. Fareham, Hants. G. C. N. WEBB.