The Soviet Government Is, As Has . Been Stated, Proposing
to appoint its Ambassador at Ottawa to the post of Ambassador in London. The agrement of the British Government has, of course, to be obtained in such cases,'and it has been......
There Is No Call To Be Unduly Censorious Over The
B.B.C.'s incursion into the field of finance last week, but it must have resulted in at least a temporary diminution of a great many people's capital by a considerable sum.......
Dizzied, Evidently, By The Return From Holiday I...
week on the " Tradeston" by-election. But" there was no such thing. It was Bridgeton, where the vacancy resulted from the lamented......
Two Slight Collisitins Of The Press With The Church Are
reported this week. In one, a vicar was bound over on a charge of what was evidently a purely nominal assault on a journalist who was pursuing his professional activities at a......
A Spectator's Notebook .
W HATEVER may be said of publicity at diplomatic conferences generally it is quite obvious that publicity at Paris is doing far more harm than good. Some4delegates—if not a......
The Success Of The Italian And Austrian Representatives...
in reaching an agreement on the South Tyrol puts the regulars of the Peace Conferette t e to shame. But some of them, notably Mr. Bevin, will not mind that when so happy a......
The Labour Party Is No Doubt Congratulating Itself On The
re- quisition of its latest recruit, Sir Ernest Simon... It has reason to, and it would not be surprising if it was soon finding him a seat and giving him office. Sir - Ernest......
Hope For Germany
T HE speech delivered by the American Secretary of State at Stuttgart last Friday will remain historic as a milestone in the process of German, and therefore of European,......
When Someone Has Had L3,000 Stolen From Him (or, As
in this case, her) it is perhaps a little harsh to observe that he (or she) almost deserves it. But that is the almost inevitable comment when you read that a lady has had that......