12 SEPTEMBER 1946, Page 14


SIR,—I pray you, do not assent to the somewhat cool suggestion that Janus should be superseded by Strix, although the latter is a very agreeable writer. As one of your readers, may I say that I turn first to Janus's page when opening your journal. He is at lames caustic and provocative (why not?), frequently witty, always informative and has a point of view. No writer is acceptable at all times to everyone ; and it is presumed that you, Sir, do not set out with the idea that all your readers will at all times agree with everything that you and you band of contributors may write. As to the alleged " grinding commentaries," " heavy weather " and " peevish acidities " (the latter being attributed to His Majesty's judges), they are likely to make your subscribers smile, and certainly have been a cause of