Sir: In The Spectator correspondence (August 30) there is an
amazing call to arms from Michael Calvert, addressed to "young men of affluence in Britain today who are bored and lack belief in their leaders and government" urging them to hurry along to their travel agents where "for a few pounds" they can help overthrow the communists in Portugal on St Crispin's Day. He says the Russians are supporting Goncalves's minions to a tune of 4m dollars a month (not roubles?).
Can we tell Rumpelstiltskin Calvert that young men of affluence in Britain today are also being supported to the tune of more than 4m -pounds' a month but they will not be able to travel yet awhile as the British taxpayer, daft as he is, is not likely to set up facilities in Lisbon to hand out their weekly social security money, or Provide them with the suitable free accommodation to which they have become accustomed as squatters in this realm, this England, this earthly paradise . . . Our own particular "happy band of brothers" would probably hurt Brigadier Calvert by asking him "who in hell is this guy Crispin?"
Perhaps Brigadier Calvert should write to Major Mainwaring in Dad's Army who might he able to help him.
Sheila Burns
27 Peaks Hill, Purley, Surrey.