Rights And Realities
Sir: Having no interest in Mr Wilson's , views on even the weather, I did not listen to his broadcast. But against a background of government borrowings of £25 million a day I......
Second Language
Sir: Surely Patrick Crabtree is being misleading when he asserts (August 16) that "Esperanto is used as a second language in most countries of the world." A second language, in......
Consultants And Gps
From Dr K. Liddell Sir: John Linklater in his recent article (August 23) very properly draws attention to the sagging NHS hospital service and woos the general practitioners by......
Ethiopia And South Africa
From Professor C. A. W. Manning Sir: This week's press tributes to the former Emperor of Ethiopia have duly highlighted that historic occasion when the venerable African......
Bygone World
Sir: It is not fashionable these days to say anything favourable about what used to be the (British) Empire. Perhaps I ought to start by explaining that one of the reasons why I......
Sir: Interesting that defenders of the Americanism 'gay' for the homosexual racket (August 30) claim justification by citing its minor connotations of vice and social disrepute!......
In Praise Of Buchan
Sir: John 'Buchan used, I believe, to work for The Spectator. He deserves a better centenary tribute than that accorded to him by Mr Benny Green. I was not even born in 1940 —......