Blunt warning
From Mr Alexander Nekrassov Sir: Your political editor Peter °borne was one of the passionate critics of the Conservative MP Crispin Blunt, who challenged the leadership of lain Duncan Smith immediately after the local election in May of this year. I even recall that he resorted to some very humorous poetry to ridicule him as being naive in attempting to undermine the authority of IDS.
But in his latest article in The Spectator (Politics, 6 September) Mr °borne writes that 'Duncan Smith has failed to lead a dominant opposition' and that he even failed to 'deal with his own severe structural problems, of which the collapse in the relationship between party chairman and party leader is the most disabling'.
Are we to understand that back in May Mr Oborne and other critics of Crispin Blunt seriously considered lain Duncan Smith as the best possible man to lead the Conservative party, and now, four months later, they have suddenly realised that IDS is not exactly what the Tories need?
Alexander Nekrassov
London NW5