Storm In A Martini Glass
From Giuseppe Masco li Sir: Boris Johnson's and Nicholas Farrell's article in The Spectator (Forza Berlusconi!', 6 September) has created turmoil in Italy. In particular,......
From Chris White Sir: Do Not Forget That Jay Gatsby
made a virtue of keeping his mouth shut, something that Silvio Berlusconi would do well to emulate. Indeed, although the Italian premier may be for you 'better than the whole......
Dividing Israel
From Deborah Maccoby Sir: Douglas Davis writes that the Palestinian leadership has a 'phased plan' which 'stipulates that whatever territory Israel surrenders will be used as a......
From Ruth Tenne
Sir: Douglas Davis's claims that the Palestinians have a hidden agenda to extinguish Israel is based on distorted facts and a cavalier approach to the truth. The fact of the......