France's Military Precautions France has taken little part in the
diplomatic negotiations arising out of the threat, first to Poland, and secondly to the Balkans ; and it is remarkable to what an extent she has sur- rendered to Britain her old role of the protector of Eastern Europe. She is ready, however, to endorse Great Britain's actions, though French public opinion, alarmed by reports from Spain, fears that the British Government may once again be deceived by its readiness to accept Signor Musso- lini's assurances. The French Government has concentrated on the technical measures demanded by the danger of war. Easter leave was stopped at the week-end, reservists have been retained with the colours after their term of training, the Mediterranean fleet brought to full strength, the Maginot line manned. The military precautions taken by M. Daladier and the National Defence Council are impres- sive ; yet they emphasise France's impotence to ease the situation by any active diplomatic initiative. Her concentra- tion on military measures reveals clearly how much of her position in Europe she lost at Munich ; if it is true that she is to give a direct guarantee to Rumania, that will to some extent restore her influence in Eastern Europe.