14 APRIL 1939, page 15

People And Things


To Be Optimistic At Such A Moment Is A Proof

either of ignorance or cowardice. The rape of Albania gives to Italy a fortified base at Valona and the keys of the Adriatic. Once established in the country, Italy will be only......

Dr. Bottiger's Article Is An Interesting Illustration Of...

and standards of Nazi journalism. He begins by confusing my father with Sir " Eric " Crowe, an error which could not have been committed by any educated German correspondent......

For The Moment, However (i Write This On Tuesday), The

spotlight has been concentrated upon the Italian end of the axis. One would have supposed that even the most die- hard optimist would now have realised that the Anti- Comintern......

After Reading Erika Mann's Analysis I Sought Among My...

for a copy of her father's open letter to the Dean of the Philosophical Faculty at Bonn. I find that many people have never come across that magnificent indictment. I may......

I Have Been Reading This Week A Striking Book By

Erika Mann, entitled School for Barbarians, in which she describes the conditioning of the rising German generation. Her argument is that the German child today is being torn......