14 APRIL 1939, Page 20


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR]

Sm,—Mr. Needham's letter in your issue of April 7th shows that his trouble is ignorance of what he writes about so freely.

The classes to which I refer are not at evening schools near training centres, but an integral part of the day's instruction in the centre itself. Mr. Brown did not refer to training centres in the debate on March 14th. I do not believe that any clerk in any Employment Exchange would quote the figures given by Mr. Needham, and as he has never appeared before a board, his evidence of what happens there is of little value. No one I know is complacent or satisfied about un- employment, but no one with elementary knowledge of what training centres are, and are doing, would regard Mr. Need- ham's views as a contribution to the problem. I probably know more trainees than he does : let him try one and then

write again !—Your obedient servant, ARNOLD WILSON.