Turkey Of all the Balkan States, Turkey can be counted
on for such collaboration with the greatest certainty ; and both her determination to assist in maintaining peace in the Balkans and her awareness that her control of the Dardanelles assures her of the support of Great Britain justify her confidence at the present critical moment. That confidence was most clearly expressed by the Turkish Prime Minister, M. Saydam, before the National Assembly on Monday, when he asserted that Turkey was in a position to ward off any attack. Both by her strategic and her diplomatic position Turkey is most fitted to take the lead in organising resistance in the Balkans ; and this was certainly the purpose of the consultations which, as a result of the occupation of Albania, suddenly took place between the Turkish and Rumanian Foreign Ministers at Istanbul at the week-end. The decisive part Turkey has to play is shown by the fact that, if Rumania is to receive assist- ance from the West, it can only be via the Dardanelles and the Black Sea ; but this possibility also would be destroyed if Italy succeeded in securing a road to the Black Sea by invading Macedonia. For Rumania and Turkey the main- tenance of Greek integrity is of vital importance. * * *